- Description
- Warranty
- Shipping & Returns
Rugged Ranch™ Omaha Chicken Coop Highlights
- Available in 2 base colors – red or brown
- Ideal for 6-10 standard size hens
- Total of 3 roost bars: 2 inside roost and 1 in the yard
- Rear entry door to let one bird out a time
- Extra-large clean-out pan
- Dual air flow vents
- Dimensions: 63″ x 48″ x 60″
- Weight: 153 lbs
The Rugged Ranch™ Omaha Chicken Coop is constructed with all solid wood. Now available in two main colors – red or brown – its classic barn design complete with white trim and black roof makes it a delightful addition to any yard!
A small, screened chicken run sits underneath the coop with a custom made Transition Door that aligns with the knock-out panel, allowing it to be expanded with any of the 4 Rugged Ranch chicken runs.
The Rugged Ranch™ Omaha Chicken Coop has easy access from all sides of the coop with 4 nesting areas, which makes it very easy to gather eggs after they have been laid. Two inside roosts and one in the underneath outdoor yard give your chickens plenty of space to perch.
An extra large, removable pan makes it easy to clean your chicken coop out and dual air flow vents allow your birds to get plenty of fresh air.
Customize Your Chicken Coop!
The following optional accessories are available for this chicken coop:
- Rugged Ranch™ Chicken Feeder – Capable of holding up to 10 pounds of chicken feed, the Rugged Ranch™ Chicken Feeder is designed to prevent feed waste. Its specially contoured feed entrance, which doubles as a rain shield, deters rodents and wild birds from stealing and contaminating your chickens’ feed. It can be mounted inside or outside any style coop or chicken run.
- Rugged Ranch™ Chicken Waterer – Naturally keep out and virtually eliminate algae and slime from your birds water keeping the water fresh and clean for a much longer period of time. Capable of holding up to 2 gallons of water, the he Rugged Ranch™ Chicken Waterer is easily filled utilizing the outside mounting system. It stays elevated and out of reach from rodents and their dangerous diseases that can contaminate the water. The waterer’s float helps keep water clean and fresh by keeping dirt and bedding out that otherwise would get scratched into a waterer that was set on the ground. It mounts inside or outside any style coop or chicken run.
Warranty Information
Rugged Ranch™ provides a 30 day warranty on their Chicken Coops, Runs and Options against manufacturing defects.
If there is a defect in your product, please notify Contact Contact Rugged Ranch™ directly.
Shipping Information
THIS PRODUCT SHIPS FOR FREE WITHIN THE CONTIGUOUS USA! We strive to get things shipped as quickly as possible – we’ll typically get your RUGGED RANCH™ chicken coop or run shipped out within a week.
Even if you have not received tracking information, your order may have already been processed and shipped so if you need to make changes to your order, please do so immediately!
You are responsible for reading emails we may send to you in a timely manner. We cannot be held responsible for emails that we sent that were not read on time or for delays to orders because we have not received a reply. In some cases, we may have no other choice but to use our best judgment if our emails are not answered and we will not be held responsible for orders that are incomplete, incorrect or canceled due to lack of response on your part.
Please view our full shipping & returns policies for further details.
Important note about residential freight deliveries:
Some RUGGED RANCH™ chicken coops are big enough that they must ship via freight. If a 50′ truck cannot access your driveway, the Shipper assumes no liability. It will be your responsibility to schedule an appointment with the shipping company to either pick up at the terminal or meet the truck to transfer the package to your vehicle. (Do not choose lift gate if you know this applies to your package, and note it in comments that you wish to pick up at terminal)
IMPORTANT: Unless you have the machinery (like a forklift) to unload a 240+ lb crate from the back of a semi truck, you must select the $150 lift gate fee in the options above if it is present on this product page. Please read the details about residential freight deliveries here.
Returns & Refunds
RUGGED RANCH™ chicken coops & runs are not returnable. If your coop or run arrives damaged or with manufacturer’s defects, we will be happy to assist you. Please view our full returns & refunds policy for further details.
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